Friday, October 28, 2005


This blog will serve as a discussion area as well as a picture resource for the empty buildings in the Euclid area.

To expand on that a bit, I hope to provide not only photos and opinions, but also factual things, such as trends of businesses closing and statistical information, meanwhile, I'm learning much more about the city I live in.
I want this to be a forum where people can learn and voice how they feel. I want to figure out why Euclid, Ohio is riddled with abandoned restaurants and stores, and a 29-year-old mall that stands, at the moment, as nothing more than a reminder of what was.

1 comment:

  1. As a Euclid resident who lives on the north side of Lakeshore Boulevard, and down the street from one of its gorgeous private beach clubs, I find this blogsite rather insightful.

    Don't get me wrong, I certainly love Euclid, but I am extremely disappointed in what has become of the Euclid Avenue vicinity. Not only has urban decay gripped that area, but also economy and carelessness in how one runs a business.

    Many people look at me like I'm nuts whenever I "proudly" say that I live in Euclid. It is also painstaking when I have to specify where in Euclid I live, in order to loosen the dirty looks given to me by the other party.

    Personally I have faith in Euclid. I believe that Euclid will one day improve itself, only if the economy gets better.

    I actaully want to return to Euclid after I graduate college, but I do have a back-up plan if Euclid does get any worse than people assume that it is currently. I want to live as close to the lakefront as I can. Are there any private beach clubs in Lake County? I'm sure there are, but do they have the abundance of actual "beach?" That's what I like about Euclid's lakefront neighborhoods.

    My parents moved here in July, 1987 (one year and one month before I was born), and my parents used to live in Willowick previously. My dad's number one reason for moving to Euclid was for the private beach access, the abundance of beach property and lakefront amenities, and a gorgeous neighborhood. I am currently a college student and still live in the neighborhood I still grew up in. The only part of Euclid that has pretty much maintained its "prestige," if you will, is anywhere off of Lakeshore Boulevard. The neighborhood that I currently live in has maintained a good housing value, with houses selling no lower than $120,000.00.

    Mind you, that Euclid still has decent neighborhoods, but the commerce and its school district have to improve if Euclid wants to be as prosperous as it once was. Improvements are being made, but what's slowing the progress down is the crappy economy.

    The college that I go to is in Painesville (a city in Lake County, that's east of Mentor), and I don't mean to say this about my college town, but I often tell many of my Lake County friends, "Why say Euclid is so bad when Painesville is just as bad, or maybe even worse than Euclid?" I think that Euclid and Painesville are pretty much alike, and strangely, I do sometimes feel safer in Euclid than I do in Painesville (from the stories I've heard that go on at night in Painesville).
