Friday, January 4, 2008

Liquidating Liquidation Sales.

I don't know if the big liquidation sale at Toys R Us is related to the liquidation sale at the IX center. I can say the commercials strike an uncanny resemblance to one another. Anyway, the sale at the IX center was shut down already, even though it was slated to run through Sunday:

I-X Liquidation Sale Shut Down at MyFox Cleveland.

Better writeup at


  1. Yup the old bait and switch was in play there. The feds also shut down some fradulent exhibits there


  2. Good thing I didn't get out the hammer and break open the piggy bank!

    (I'm kidding. I don't even have the $16 to park and get in to the place in there.)

  3. I had a really good feeling that this would be exactly like other "super special enormous liquidation sale" special events that I have heard about in the past.

    The IX center one, now confirmed by various news reports, is basically a travelling circus show of a group of independent vendors that set up shop in a town for the weekend. They set up in a flea-market or craft bazaar style and hawk their wares using bait and switch style tactics.

    From what has been reported to Jen and I at the blog from some of our loyal readers, the Euclid Toys R Us Super Liquidation Station sale is similar.

    From my own experiences attending IX center "Super Sales" in the past, the items listed, if even in stock are of inferior quality, and if you head in there asking the "vendor" for the advertised special, they'll bad mouth it for all it is worth and try to hawk a larger far more expensive product to you.

    I have an instance of purchasing a radar detector (OMG COPS!) that was listed and the glorified fence asking me "Do you like fast food restaurants?" I replied "Yes" of course and he proceeded to inform me that I'd be able to find each and every one with this "inferior" unit that I was interested in.
    Needless to say, I bought it anyway, mostly because I paid 5 bucks to get in.

    A good rule of thumb with these sales:
    If its too good to be true, it probably is.

  4. The Euclid Toysrus Liquidation sale is a joke. I went in there with high hopes of comming out with new stereo equipment and possibly a cheap laptop for work.

    Paid $6 dollars to get in there I also paid another $12 for my 2 friends. Did some looking around laughed at the computers especially the Dell's they were selling which were outdated by at least a decade and they wanted 200 for it. Just to say my job is throwing away 16 of those exact models cause not even charities around here will take them.

    All the cloths they had I would of had to been either 6foot7+ or 300lbs+ to fit into them.

    I left with a free pass to come back and I did sunday with my pda and some saved websites for pricechecking the audio equipment and I spent 2 hours in the audio section checking up products I may have wanted so I new what I could get them for elseware.

    Everything they were selling in the car audio section was overpriced. They were selling Pioneer subs for $30 more. Boss Amps for $40-$50.The worst though was their pioneer headunits which I found 10 websites online selling it for $120 less. After knowing all this information I went up to the runner of the stand. And gave him a more than fair offer which was even more than what I could get them for online. Well he told me they are worth more and if I could get them at that price I should sell them back to him. Well I well back to my searching and pricing and came back now to the owner of the stand. And I picked out 4 items I wanted and offered gave him my offer and he told me to get lost and buy it online then.

    Well thanks to him now I spent 170 dollars less online and that includes shipping. On average you will save %20 more shopping online than at these liquidation places.

    I would suggest not spending your $6 on a place like that. But it was good to be back in toysrus one last time.
