Yeah, guys!
It's almost that time of the year again. The leaves fall from the sky like red and gold rain. The wind has a fresh chill that stings your skin and the clouds are gray and thin.
That's right, it's almost election time.
Like a good girl I vote. I'm even informed on the issues before I do so!
This year, there are 3 candidates for Euclid Mayor.
Website: None
You can watch the Mayoral Candidate Forum from September 19, 2007 here. Now, there's something special about this video. It was featured on a while back, and not for its contained great ideas. No, it was up there as a humor piece. I cannot get to Rover's site today for whatever reason, so I don't remember exactly what was said about the video, but the fact that it ended up on Cleveland's most popular morning radio show website as a "Man, you've gotta see this guy (Christopher Litwinowicz)" is just yet another unfunny punchline.
So, this city walks into a bar...
So after watching this 2 hour video, and having Cervenik in office since the beginning of time, the choice might seem clear: Vote for Gudenas. But wait!
And the bartender says, "Why all the empty buildings?"...
Gudenas is all for fixing the place up, as long as it isn't his own place. Promises, promises. It isn't just a Naked Eyes song: Critics raise questions about Euclid mayoral candidate's development.
and the city says, "yanno, that's a good question!"
See, I told you it wasn't funny.