Friday, November 14, 2014

Time Machine: Thanksgiving in Euclid Ohio, 1942

We're just a little bit under 2 weeks from Thanksgiving. We already have a big fat bird in the freezer, wrapped and taking it's long winters nap. We also make ham, and the FIXINGS and the pies... there are so many pies...

And we celebrate with family. My [Jen] parents and Guy's parents, my brother and his girlfriend and of course my sweet little niece.

I thought, getting into the spirit of Thanksgiving (I can already smell the stuffing!) I'd take a peek back and see what was shaking near my neighborhood nearly three quarters of a century ago.

What gave me a chuckle about this is that these ads were placed just like this, together. No photoshopping here!

If I were easily swayed by advertising and persuasive graphics I would do the following:

I'd go get my turkey at Martin's Poultry Market. It would be alive (DEARGOD PEOPLE PLEASE MAKE FREEZERS AFFORDABLE/COMMONPLACE) and I would...

request a living turkey

And they would go butcher it for me. I would cry some then I'd go to Shore Beverages and in a guilt ridden, turkey murderer binge, order one of everything and since they deliver, I'd tell them just to swing by and soon. I sniffle and slide a piece of paper with my address to the nice guy behind the counter, blubber about killing that poor bird and before I can get out anything that makes sense, the ugly cry shows up and I walk out gnawing on my fingernails.

I decide a game of bowling at Shore Bowl will take my mind off everything. It's great exercise. It's economical. But money and a healthy lifestyle aren't what I'm thinking of. I left the turkey in the car and it's still warm.

I should have gone bowling first. Thank God my booze is going to be at the house when I get home.

And for Christmas, I'm asking for a freezer.

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